Former LPM parliamentarian enjoys his freedom

Erasmus Shalihaxwe

Former Landless Peoples’ Movement (LPM) parliamentarian Edson Isaacks said he is currently enjoying his freedom and will ignore the statement made by the party.

On Tuesday, Isaacks resigned from the party and parliament along with founding member, Henny Seibeb.

“Ignore that statement. They are fighting because we took a principled decision. I don’t even need to respond to it. I don’t want it to get muddy,” he said.

He added that their record of their years in parliament speaks for itself.

“I don’t need to explain myself to somebody at that level. I am not going to that level of name-calling and accusations. I don’t want to go back to that party’s stuff that I left,” he said.

Isaacks promised to share details of his next move when the time is right.

“For now, I am enjoying my freedom,” he said.

On Wednesday, the party issued a statement in which it welcomed the duo’s resignation.

LPM spokesperson Lifalaza Simataa said the party has welcomed the resignations with great excitement and irreversible joy.

Lifalaza described their resignation as reckless, which stunted the party.

“If we are to accept the notion of the street resignation as a gallant party of sensible beings and thoughtful characters, we are deeply celebratory and exceedingly elated with the immediate departure of these two unwanted personalities,” he said.

Simataa said the two former parliamentarians have avoided informing the party of their resignations.

“Isaacks, whose presence in the National Assembly resembled his entire being – invisible and inconsequentia – became a disciple of Seibeb. Together, these two characters set out to abuse every space of leadership, engaging in ill-disciplined and anti-revolutionary fever. Soon, they became notorious for being unable to lead and lacking focus to help move the party forward,” he said.

Seibeb did not answer phone calls, but he posted a picture of himself on his social media status at the Epupa Camp in the Kunene region.

Political commentator Gibson Goseb noted that there has been a high degree of political synergies and ideologies commensurate with a joint chemistry of intent and a solid foundation between Seibeb and party president, Bernadus Swartbooi.

Goseb believes that Seibeb played an integral part in giving the party political mileage and direction in his role as a founding member of the LPM.

“There might have been differences of opinion on how to further project the party as a formidable force on the political landscape of Namibia and I believe that he could’ve played a formidable role in ensuring further growth in terms of advocacy on issues of social growth with emphasis on agrarian growth and access to land (ancestral),” he said.

According to Goseb, Seibeb’s departure is a major loss for the LPM in terms of leadership.

“He’s left big shoes that can’t be filled by just any Tom and Jerry. I wish the party well, and may Seibeb not be a loss to the political spectrum of Namibia because he’s still young and immensely blessed intellectually,” Goseb said.

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