ECN targets registration of 1.7 million voters

Niël Terblanché

The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) is gearing up to register more than 1.7 million eligible voters during its General Registration of Voters exercise, set to commence next week.

This extensive registration effort is an exercise that is conducted every ten years and is aimed at ensuring that the electoral roll is up-to-date for the upcoming elections.

The ECN’s Director of Operations, Zenia Klazen, said that the commission undertook regional council consultations throughout 2022 and 2023 as part of the establishment of registration systems and polling venues.

Klazen, however, expressed disappointment, noting that only three out of fourteen regions provided feedback, falling short of the ECN’s expectations.

“Despite this, the ECN has made significant efforts to engage stakeholders to refine the registration and polling venues,” she said.

According to Klazen, the general registration of voters will span 52 days, from 3 June to 1 August, with registration points operating from Monday to Saturday, between 08h00 and 19h00.

She added that the ECN will provide weekly updates on the registration exercise’s progress via its platforms to keep the public informed.

In the meantime, Peter Shaama, the ECN’s Chief Electoral and Referenda Officer, detailed the comprehensive 2024 Electoral Calendar during a recent briefing.

He explained that there are three phases to the calendar: pre-election, election, and post-election.

The pre-election phase that runs from April to September will focus on the recruitment and training of electoral officials, registration and polling officers, election result management, political party registration, and candidate nomination.

This phase also includes voter and civic education, voting registration, and observer accreditation.

The election phase, which will run from October to November, will oversee the actual election processes, while the post-election phase, which will run from December 2024 to March 2025) involves the conclusion and evaluation of the election processes.

Shaama reiterated that voter registration will take place from 3 June to 1 August, both within Namibia and at diplomatic missions abroad.

He said that the nomination of independent candidates is scheduled for 14 October, followed by the announcement for political parties and independent candidates on 16 October.

Shaama added that voting for Namibians abroad is set for 13 November, while voting day in Namibia is scheduled for 27 November.

He said that vote counting and the announcement of results will span from 27 to 29 November.

Shaama also confirmed that the legal frameworks and electoral reforms have been finalised, and the November 2024 elections will be conducted under the current amended Electoral Act.

“The ECN’s meticulous planning and structured approach aims to ensure a smooth and efficient election process, reinforcing the democratic foundations of Namibia,” he said.

He also advised Namibians to follow the ECN’s official channels and platforms for detailed information and continuous updates.

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