NIP paves way for scientific excellence at Hochland High School with donation

Hertta-Maria Amutenja

Namibia Institute of Pathology (NIP) has responded emphatically to the call from Hochland High School, unleashing a wave of support that promises to shape the future of aspiring scientists in Namibia.

In a formal ceremony this week, Chief Strategy and Business Development Officer, and Chairperson of NIP’s Corporate Social Investment Committee Niita Evaristus, officiated the handover of a remarkable donation aimed at revolutionizing the learning experience at Hochland High School.

Responding to the urgent plea from Hochland High School, NIP has allocated resources for the enhancement of science education.

The donation includes 200 Advance Scientific Calculators (Casio fx-991Plus), valued at N$146 400 and 45 laboratory coats for learners, totalling N$12 397. The grand sum of N$158 797, funded through NIP’s Corporate Social Investment Policy, underscores the institute’s unwavering commitment to education and skills development.

Evaristus, while addressing the gathering, emphasized the significance of the donation stating, “NIP remains committed and stands tall as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path towards a prosperous future for Namibia. This unparalleled contribution underscores NIP’s steadfast commitment to the education and skills development of the Namibian child.”

She further said NIP’s donation aligns seamlessly with its Corporate Social Investment Policy, focusing on pillars such as education and skills development.

“The Namibia Institute of Pathology Limited (NIP) was established with the primary mandate of providing laboratory services to both the private and state healthcare sectors. With the Promulgation of the Public Enterprise Governance Act 1 of 2019, NIP has been classified as a Commercial Public Enterprise, with public policy objectives,” Evaristus said.

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