443 road crashes recorded since January – Windhoek Observer

443 road crashes recorded since January

Martin Endjala

Motor vehicle accidents claimed the lives of 71 pedestrians in 443 crashes, while 415 sustained various degrees of injuries.

According to the Motor Vehicle Accident Fund’s statistics, pedestrian-related accidents, injuries and fatalities, the highest numbers were recorded from January to mid-July.

With the winter school holiday having come to an end and most schools reopening this week, the MVA Fund has embarked on promoting school-based road safety campaigns through scholar patrols and activations at various schools around the country.

These activities include safety measures such as advocating for the reduction of speed limits around school zones to 30km/h and the deployment of community road safety marshals at high-risk schools to mitigate crashes resulting in injuries and fatalities of learners.

In addition, the Fund conducts regular pedestrian safety interventions at schools along highways where it educates learners on the safe way to cross the road.

According to the MVA’s Corporate Communication and Stakeholder Relations Manager, Hilaria Graig pedestrian safety remains a priority for the MVA Fund.

Statistics show that pedestrian-related crashes have declined by 22 percent, injuries by 20 percent and fatalities by 21 percent compared to the same period in 2022.

The Khomas region experienced a decline of 17 percent in pedestrian-related crashes from 47 percent in 2022 to 44 percent in 2023.

Pedestrian-related crashes in the Erongo region experienced an increase of 16 percent from nine percent in 2022 to 11 percent in 2023.

As an organisation dedicated to preserving life, the Fund will continue to implement road safety interventions to make roads safer for everyone as mandated by its governing Act.

Meanwhile, the MVA Fund together with other stakeholders continues to take a holistic approach to road safety encompassing engineering, education, enforcement and engagement.

“It is our philosophy that all four facets should be addressed to improve pedestrian safety including children’s safety when using the road, children’s safety is a shared responsibility between the parents or guardians, teachers and the community,” Graig said.

Graig believes that schools can promote road safety by designating appropriate areas such as parking lots, for the loading and offloading of learners while parents can ensure the usage of such areas.

She urged parents and schools to help children develop road safety skills that will encourage them to become independent and responsible road users.

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